Brian Ryder ROI PIEA

Brian turned professional in 1993 after a life in architecture but has been painting all his life and teaching for over 30 years. He moved from the London area to North Norfolk in 1987 and now tutors out of Kings Lynn where he runs local courses as well as teaching in Venice, Egypt, Tuscany, Spain and many other locations abroad.
Brian paints in all media but enjoys oils the most and last year submitted and had all four of his paintings accepted by The R.O.I. at The Mall Gallery in London.
In 2002 Brian had an exhibition of his abstracts at a major London Gallery and he has also exhibited in Scotland and around most of England - all types of his work are in private collections around the world.
Two books have been released by Brian along with five dvds, the latest being "Watercolour Sketchbook" now on sale from Townhouse Films. "The painting style is unimportant" says Brian and this can be seen by his vast range of mainly Landscape subjects, from fairly traditional through to impressionist and abstract. "It is more important to me to paint with feeling with an attempt to capture the atmospheric moment in time rather than continually produce commercial work" says Brian who has now taken more time out from teaching to paint for himself.
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